America: The Motion Picture -Hot Take

America: The Motion Picture (2021 US) George Washington teams up with his historical friends to kick out the British. In my first year in college I took a colonial American History class. It turned out the class was a weeder class meaning it was so ridiculously hard that it weeded out some of the history majors. For some weird reason there are a lot of history majors here in the U.S. Suffice it to say I learned a Shatner ton about Colonial American History. With that said I can assure everyone that this film was not historically accurate. Brought to you by Matt Thompson from Adult Swim. It definitely runs like something from Adult Swim. So don't watch this with kiddos around. Channing Tatum plays George Washington. He does great but I would have gone with Patrick Wharburton. Maybe he wasn't available. Veteran writer David Callaham wrote the script in all of its frat boy ways. But don't worry Callaham and Thompson skews everyone. I can assure you that there is something in ...