Love Fest February

Nappily Ever After (2018 US) Based on the novel of the same name. Technically billed as a RomCom I saw it more as a RomCharm. It was endearing and charming. A woman, Violet, with a stick up her butt does not get a marriage proposal from her boyfriend as she imagined so dumps him and goes on a tear. In doing so she slowly pulls the stick out of her behind and has an epiphany along the way. The theme in this was similar too so many Christmas movies; redemption reconciliation. Also, X character does Y and learns to chill the F out. This had no XMas themes but did talk a lot about Black Female beauty standards and how off the charts they are. In this picture actress Sanaa Lathan is just about to shave her head, like, for real. She really does it. Very powerful moment cuz you can tell its real. This film was very much about finding what's real and it was wonderful to join the character Violet on that journey. I really enjoyed it. Find it on Netflix exclusively but should be available i...