Love Fest February

Casablanca (1942 US) “Of all the gin joints in the world this was the closest to my house” (Alan Tudyk on Resident Alien). I know so many of you have seen this but on this day of the Bowl of Super is a great time to rewatch this super classic. I’m also kinda hearing that it’s getting a bit lost in the sands of time and there are quite a few who have not seen it. That’s not OK. So grab someone who hasn’t seen it, tie them to a chair and force their eyelids open. They will thank you by the time Bogie says the famous line “We will always have Paris”. If they press charges tell the judge it was to watch Casablanca. They will totally understand. (Disclaimer: don’t do this.) After all in polite society knowledge of one of the most perfect movies ever made is required. Find it on HBO and Amazon and available to rent on most streaming. Please Like Share and Subscribe