Bad Moms-Hot Take
Bad Moms (2016 US) Three women of comedy push back on the perfect Mom archetype. Clearly this was a story meant for the busy Mom struggling with modern motherhood. It was meant to hit back on societal pressure to do certain things. It was supposed to be hard hitting. It missed the mark. I would have gone so much further because the pressure or demands are intense and really needs to lambasted. Christina Applegate and Jada Pinkett Smith star as the pushy Mom antagonists. Wow! they were weak. Not their fault though. I’ve met Moms like this and I just ignored them. The real dangerous pushy people are in power. So much harder to ignore and no real mention of those crazy ass MF’s in this film. My version of this film would ruffle so many feathers. I’d be soooo canceled. I’ve had to set some boundaries with certain people before and I was “firm” about it. People don’t like being told “No”. I would have loved to have seen a firm No to the right people but nope. I wasn’t real thrilled with the solution being getting drunk and partying. It’s almost like the people who wrote and directed it really had no idea what they were talking about. Having said all of that, there are some fun moments in it from Mila Kunis, Katherine Hahn and Kristen Bell. You will tend to like them. It has good pacing and is well shot so it’s enjoyable if not a bit weak. Find it on Hulu or for rent on most streaming.
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