The Yellow Submarine- Trippy Animation classic

 The Yellow Submarine ( 1968 UK) Based on the music of the Beatles mostly from the album of the same name. The Fab Four are recruited by a dottering old man to help save Pepperland from the Blue Meanies. Ok stop what you are doing and go watch this film. I know that so many people have not seen it yet and that is a crime. This film is one of the most influential animated films ever. It put animation in the grown-up sphere whereas before it was limited to kids. It was directed by George Dunning and animated by some guys who clearly had been on a lot of trips. Even though the characters were the Beatles the Fab Four did not do the voices cuz really they didn't want to. They did make an appearance at the end as a way to fulfill their contract to United Artists. Although, the Beatles did make another picture with UA after Yellow Submarine. There is a boatload of anecdotes and historical trivia associated with this film which I could go on for days about. The DVD and BluRay have little docu style shorts talking about the film and there is even a book about it which I encourage everyone to check out. Lately there have been revival showings in limited theaters. If one lands near you go see it. Here is an updated theatrical trailer for the recent theatrical release. I'm only seeing it for rent on ITunes right now. 


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