Fantastic Mr. Fox -Animation April
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009 US) Wes Anderson directs this stop motion film about a married with child fox having a mid-life crisis. As I've talked about before I love stop-motion. What I like about creating animation is that you have so much control in what's in front of the camera, mis-en-scene. You have to put in so much more work but it's a wonderful trade-off. For a director like Anderson this medium is perfect and he certainly makes the most of it. Anderson loves his symmetry and he really leaned into it in this film. That symmetry includes his color pallet which is wonderfully balanced. The film was based on the Roald Dahl book of the same name. I'm told that the film diverges from the book a lot. Apparently, the book did not have enough material to pack a feature length film. Rest assured book purists Anderson somehow got his hands on and used notes written by Dahl featuring scenes and storylines that didn't make it into the book. So its kind of faithful. I really like Anderson's work and enjoyed his whimsical take on this story. One of the "problems" with stop motion is fur. Just ask the first King-Kong. It tends to take on a mind of it's own, goes all over the place and dare I say it "Whimsical". I just love how Anderson viewed it as a character trait and didn't try to hide it. I love that. It feels "human". Find it on HBO and Hulu and for rent on most streaming.
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