Judy -review
Judy (2019 US) Renee Zellweger stars as Judy Garland in this biopic of Garland in her later years, warts, drugs and all. Judy, Judy, Judy! My aunts name is Judy and I did that to her. "Auntie Judy, Judy, Judy pass pass pass the green beans green beans green beans". She did not appreciate my joke. Too extra! Extra, was kind of how I felt about Zellweger as Garland. I love biopics and I especially love it when actors "bring it". Zellweger did in fact "bring it" here. She even did the singing. Geez Louise singing is hard enough without having to sound like Judy Garland. Zellweger was rewarded with a Best Actress Oscar for this. Now for the Wizard in the room. The film makes some serious allegations about how the studio (MGM) treated the then under age Garland for that film. I cant confirm if what was in the film (and book) was true. If it is, that's some serious child trafficking BS. Adults should really have known better. I have really been put off of The Wizard of Oz since I saw this film. So fair warning. Find Judy on Tubi and available to rent on most streaming.
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