Cocaine Bear
Cocaine Bear (2023 US) ok before I go any further check out the trailer
Cocaine Bear | Official Trailer [HD]
Read the article on YouTube »This film directed by Elizabeth Banks is pretty clearly labeled. What you see in the trailer is what you are going to get. Hell it’s even in the name. You either like it or you don’t. A friend of mine told me about the true story, thanks Josh, and I remember thinking that should be a movie. Voila! For $hits and giggles I took a look at the critic and user reviews. Critics were like me, it’s clearly labeled. Users either loved it or thought it was the worst movie ever. Have I mentioned it’s clearly labeled. One guy complained that only white peoples were made fun of. Umm dude wtf? There was only one person spared of jokes and that was the mom. It’s a comedy horror and can be quite gruesome but it’s funny. Banks played a judge in the Pitch Perfect series and she displayed a particular brand of humor. Cocaine Bear had that same timing and style as that character just with more blood. A lot more blood. If you are looking for puppies and rainbows cuz this was directed by a woman well nope. What I find extraordinary about this film is it’s a different story told in a slightly different way and that is being rewarded by audiences. There is a non pretentious vibe to it that audiences are loving and it’s fresh. Banks really screwed the pooch with Charlie’s Angels. I really wanted to support her but even I could not stomach the same damn story again. I’m happy to see that she got the message. IRL the bear dies and is stuffed, see pic. The stuffed bear goes on some pretty crazy adventures too almost becoming a Warehouse 13 episode…whoever owns this bear…So there is your sequel Elizabeth. It writes itself. It’s in theaters now. #Film#Film #Films#Films #Movie#Movie#FilmFan#FilmFan #Comedy#Comedy #horror#horror #Cinema#Cinema
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